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Southern Cameroons want complete independence

60,000 have sought refuge in neighbouring Nigeria. According to Amnesty, 450 to 500+ civilians and  have been killed in by the government forces.

Honorable Wirba Spits Fire

“When injustice becomes Law, Resistance becomes a duty”  The Honorable spoke for his people, told the colonial french government to know Southern Cameroons are not slaves.

Unjust Killing and Burning by the Government

Over 350 villages burnt to ashes, unlawful arrest and killing of peaceful people of Ambazonia. Brutal detentions, 3 million people now live in forest. BBC Report 

Viscount Speaks for Anglophones

The Catholic bishops’ conference has described the regime’s actions as, “inhuman, blind, monstrous violence. 47 other political leaders are being held without charge.

Lord Alton Speaks for Anglophones

While condemning the violence of militant extremists, Alton said that government soldiers had responded to peaceful protests with disproportionate force.

Lord Boateng Speaks For Anglophones

He told the House of Lords that the blame for the current conflict lay with Cameroon’s 1961 independence referendum by joining Nigeria or being absorbed by the French-speaking majority in Cameroon

Lord Chidgey Speaks for Anglophones

The International Crisis Group reports that a government helicopter hovered outside a church, shooting anglophone worshipers as they emerged from Mass

Lord Collins Speaks For Anglophones

He quoted the how the American Ambassador express his disapproval of the Cameroonian Government’s brutal response to peaceful protests

Lord Judd Speaks For Anglophones

He asked British ministers to give practical help to make inclusive and meaningful peace talks possible, which required diplomatic pressure to be put on the Cameroonian authorities

McConnell Speaks For Anglophones

There is nothing admirable about being even-handed in the face of the suffering of the anglophone community

Amazonians Celebrate Independence

Millions of Southern Cameroonians from all Counties of Ambazonia came out to celebrate declaration of independence in 2016

The Anglophones Crisis, How It All Started

We bring you history of how and when the Ambazonian Quest for Freedom began. Watch 57 years of Anglophones marginalization unfold in few minutes